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there is no dark side of the moon really, as a matter of fact it's all dark.

paintbynumberNow anyone can be an artist! Do you have a picture of a special person? Paint a portrait. Did you take some great pictures on your vacation? Paint the memories. The possibilities are endless. Our professional technicians will provide you with a printed canvas and charted graph of your photo. The kit includes everything you need to complete an 11" x 14" picture of a cherished memory or person.

The kit includes 40 acrylic paint colors. These paints when combined with one another will create any color you need to paint your own personalized canvas. 3 artist quality brushes (sizes #0, #3, #4) are also included.

You will receive a chipboard, complete instructions, a photo mailer and an order form. Fill out the order form, choose a picture and put them in the photo mailer and send it to the address listed in the kit. After your picture is processed you will be sent a custom printed canvas with an enlarged paper chart for a guide to your painting.

Personalized Photo Paint-By-Number Kit

Und ich dachte, Malen-nach-Zahlen wäre aus der Mode. Wie dumm von mir!
chavo meinte am 20. Okt, 11:26:
"Und ich dachte, Malen-nach-Zahlen wäre aus der Mode. Wie dumm von mir!" --- Doch nicht im Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten ;-) AGB

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